About Me

I'm a 50+ married woman raising three teenagers and working full time in a demanding profession. I've been sober for a bit more than half of the last five years and want to stay that way for life. I'm here for accountability, inspiration and a few laughs along the way. Come on in, let's talk!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 4 ending on a good note :)

I am trying to orient away from 'it's a burden/sacrifice/torture' to 'not-drink' and orient in the direction of 'it's great to be alcohol (and hangover) free and why would I pour a poisonous, addictive substance down my throat anyway'?  You might see a little Jason Vale here...I'm about halfway through his book and really liking his message.  Not to AA bash, but I like the counterpoint to the concept that if you identify as having a problem with alcohol, you are an ego-driven mess who will always be broken and can hope only for a reprieve in 24 hour units that are doled out almost like a penance.  If you do enough penance, you might get to be happy, joyous and free.  But according to Vale, you can be happy, joyous and free RIGHT NOW - just by kicking the addictive poison to the curb and getting on with life as it happens, sometimes great, sometimes so-so, sometimes stormy.  I like that concept, and after a few days without drinking, it does get easier not to reflexively just pick up, or maybe the 'cravings' just subside.  And I know from my long term sober stint that everything DOES get better without alcohol, and that no problem or unpleasant situation I've ever had was ever solved or improved by adding alcohol.  Quite the contrary.  Anyway, I'm rambling, but the point is I like the idea of I'm happy and free NOW, not at some time in the future after I've done some allotment of penance.

So today I AM happy and free.  I had an unexpected positive development on the work front that will be a near term challenge with a potential meaningful reward, and I am excited about that.  And my sober penpal (you know who you are :), thank you!) helped me remember that the VERY BEST way to meet this challenge will be sober!  I also have a biz trip thru the rest of the week, which I am not that excited about because where I am going is COLD, but which will be a good work experience and not a difficult 'not-drinking' situation; I'm thankful for that.  I may not post for the next couple of days because I may just run out of time, but I'll update by the end of the week at latest.

Off to my tonic and lime (this week's mocktail, which I'm enjoying even though it's kind of plain), and to feed the masses.  Witching hour is just beginning but I feel stronger today than I have in the previous days; I think it will be okay :).  I KNOW it will be okay as long as I keep the poison out of me.

I am so grateful and happy for all the support I have received in the sobersphere.  Thank you all!  I hope everyone has a great sober evening and night.




  1. You are rocking girl! You are sober and free and your posts are helping us stay sober and free!! Feels friggen fantastic!
    Jen. Hugs

  2. I liked that book too. I'm thinking I should read it again! Try a splash of cranberry in your tonic and lime! Have a great trip!
