About Me

I'm a 50+ married woman raising three teenagers and working full time in a demanding profession. I've been sober for a bit more than half of the last five years and want to stay that way for life. I'm here for accountability, inspiration and a few laughs along the way. Come on in, let's talk!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 3!

Which is one day further than than I got last week after starting New Year's Day as Day 1.   Feeling pretty good today, despite cranky teens not wanting to go back to school, braces coming apart, sick, etc.  Went to Cross Fit this am, which definitely helps.  Read some more Jason Vale last night, which also definitely helps.  And checked in with many sober bloggers which definitely, definitely helps.  Thank you all!!

Now must just get through the rest of Monday without thinking that I am actually missing out on something by not being able to guzzle a bottle of wine while preparing dinner.  I know I am NOT missing out on anything (except an ugly hangover and crappy day tomorrow); instead I am gaining something(s): being present with aforementioned cranky teens, a good sleep (not the pass-out/wake up at 3 am in cold sweat with catbox mouth kind of 'sleep'), and feeling good about me and living in my life without pouring poison down my throat.  

The witching hour will be challenging, probably, so I have a rescue kit on hand of crunchy snacks, fizzy AF drinks and chocolate.  That's okay, though, it beats the wine. And it is true that the witching hour phenomenon does decrease after 7 pm.  It just does, if you hang in long enough.   

Looking forward to the rest of today and to Day 4.  Wishing you all a great sober day!





  1. Hi, I just found your blog and enjoyed catching up on your story. Especially the part about drinking again after such a long period of sobriety. Doesn't sound like it went so well and hopefully I can learn from that and remember it if and when I think "moderation" sounds like a good idea. I'm wishing you luck in getting some momentum going again!

    1. Thank you Madness, that makes me feel good! Moderation is NOT a good idea, not for me at least. I am getting some momentum and feeling pretty good, one nice thing from a long period of sobriety is I do know how much better it is. I'll stop by and visit your blog today :), look forward to getting to know you and sharing the journey!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes Ma'am. Day 4 is here and looking good! Already feel so much better physically and the discomfort of 'not-drinking' is subsiding little by slowly :).

  3. Happy Sober Day SR, so pleased to hear you are doing well :) Day 4 already x

  4. Blogging really helps me heal from the pain of drinking too much!
    Keep it up!!
    It is so worth it.
    I tried moderation too. I counted all my drinks each day. I counted a lot.

    1. Haha...I counted a LOT, too :)! Moderation is a euphemism for 'this won't work, it never has and it never will.'

  5. We're only a few days apart! You are helping me! Keep going! Annie x
