About Me

I'm a 50+ married woman raising three teenagers and working full time in a demanding profession. I've been sober for a bit more than half of the last five years and want to stay that way for life. I'm here for accountability, inspiration and a few laughs along the way. Come on in, let's talk!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Argh, another white knuckle night and it's early!

This is perilously close to a big part of where I started drinking after 2.5 years of sobriety.  My eldest and my hubs (her stepdad) just cannot get along, and it is UGLY in the house when they are at active war.  A lot of the time, she just hides in her room (that's not good either but it goes a long way to maintain peace), but every now and then something happens and it's just pervasive/unescapable. She's in the peak of adolescence so a lot in the way of misbehavior, rebellion, defiance; he is the King of the Castle and honestly just does.not.like her, not one bit.  I am so, so weary of this.  I was weary of it at the end of 2012, didn't pick up booze til almost end of 2013 - that numbed out a lot of the warfare, smoothed some of the rougher edges, just helped me not care - they call it fuckitol for a reason, right?

And yes, there's been the requisite parade of therapists,etc.  The good news is daughter got some benefit from some of it; bad news is hubs refuses to participate.  Clapping with one hand is impossible.

So they are at active war, I don't even fully understand the bona fides of the underpinnings, although I am pretty sure neither one is right or an angel.  I am also well aware of who the adult is, and it's not her.  And that I am her only active parent.  Do I have to divorce him to do the right thing by her?  Do I stay with him and know that she's getting a raw deal?  Or am I even asking the right questions?  Will see shrink next week...not soon enough.  I wonder if he could just move in my house for a while?  Haha, then he'd go crazy too.

Trying very hard to remember that not drinking is the best (only) way to handle this and be the responsible parent, mom, wife and adult that I want and need to be and can't be if I'm drunk/drinking.  But I am shaking with apprehension at what I know is going to be an awful night, and just crying with advance anger/fear/heartbreak.  For my daughter, for my other kids, and a little bit for me too.  Life's not fair and we don't all make good decisions all the time.  I don't trust myself enough to make any BIG decisions right now, so the one (0nly) decision I can make (MUST make) is not to drink tonight.  It's hard.  It would be easier to drown this in a bottle of cab.  I can't, I know that.  I won't.

 Feel very weak and lonely, not to mention raw and just awful upset.  Off to get started on my liter of tonic and probably my weight in chocolate.  I'd welcome any comments or insight or support tonight or whenever.  Or even just positive vibes - I need them!  Thanks for listening. 




  1. I'm just now reading this and sorry things are hard. I wish I had great advise and answers because I could use them too!! This was yesterday, right? I'm hoping it went ok and today feels better?

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's better. Who has the advice and answers? Let's hunt her down and keep her with us at all times! Actually, I think we just have to muddle through and help each other find the best answers as they materialize. Thanks for being here :)

  2. How is it that I've never subscribed to your blog???

    So glad I'm here now but so sorry I'm late. Sounds like this was a tough night. So here's 48 hours with of positive vibes to get you through.


    1. Thank you Sherry! I love you and that you are here for me!! And the positive vibes helped. See my post for tonight :). And...yes...I am digging the luxe hotel solitude that is a great bonus for biz trip, I know you know what I mean :).



  3. You're not alone. Annie x

  4. Dear SR,
    I am sorry.
    I am very proud of you for being the adult, parent.
    You can't change him. It's too bad he can't be a positive male role-mdoel for her.
    So glad you are not drinking.
    You can help your kids the best by being clear-headed!
    Peace and LOTS of Hugs!

  5. Dear SR
    I'm sorry I didn't read this sooner, I hope you've found some help that works for you all and being sober is your best role you can be. This really struck with me as I was that daughter. My mothers husband and I locked horns throughout my teens and unlike your proactive stance my mother just hid, not in wine but in coffee and fags and novels. Looking back now I see what a tightrope it was for her. In my family, like you I try and find balance and solutions, you sound like you're trying hard!! Many hugs and love
