About Me

I'm a 50+ married woman raising three teenagers and working full time in a demanding profession. I've been sober for a bit more than half of the last five years and want to stay that way for life. I'm here for accountability, inspiration and a few laughs along the way. Come on in, let's talk!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

And the award goes to...

Me, haha!  Not the Oscar though, no drama here! Belle reminded me a couple of days ago that today is Day 50, woo hoo :).  Time flies. 

I can't believe it has been two weeks since I last posted!  I have been just crazy busy, with work, kids (sick, sports, school stuff - you name it) and just LIFE.  Work is showing no signs of letting up - in fact, it is one big stressfest/slog for the next two weeks.  I'm hoping for no unanticipated crises...

Anyway, I feel like I've been absent because I haven't been posting, or commenting much or emailing/texting with the handful of ladies I talk off-line with.  The last few weeks, I really haven't 'stopped' until after 8 pm, at which point I've collapsed on the couch with TV and my i-pad; I have skimmed over most of the blogs, but the i-pad is awful for commenting (pretty much limits me to Blogger, and even then it's cumbersome).  

But I haven't really been absent, I've just been present in life.  VERY present.  In a way that is not possible without sobriety.  I'm grateful for that.  Things are just So.More.Manageable.  And way less bumpy/dramatic.  Not to mention physical well-being: good sleep, better skin, clear eyes & all that good stuff. It's so simple and so hard to grasp when you are looking at it through the bottom of a wineglass.

Anyway, life is good.  I am very excited to start my personal, in-house Oscars coverage in about an hour.  It's the one night of the year that I get total and exclusive control over the TV remote, and I love it.  The movie themed menu includes grilled cheeese and tomato soup (Boyhood) and chess pie (Selma).  Can't wait!  

And we all deserve an award, right?  I think so!  Be good to you.




  1. Congratulations on Day 50!! You are getting an award ....can you feel it?
    Enjoy your show, grilled cheese and tomato soup...darn that sounds good.

  2. Woo Hoo!
    Happy 50 days!
    Happy living life!!

  3. I've missed you but glad you are living life. YAY for 50 days, yes the time does fly!

  4. Well done on 50 days! Annie x

  5. Day 50 is AWESOME!

    Chess pie...yum!

